Ratings' Key: ***** - Excellent. This is the cream of the crop and is well worth buying. **** - Good. These titles have good story lines and solid characters. They are worth buying or renting. *** - Fair. These are worth seeing, but you may want to just rent or borrow them. ** - Poor. Only watch or read if you're extremely bored or it's free. * - Bad. So bad I couldn't finish it. |
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*****- Love Song by Nishi Keiko Format: Manga Genre: Drama/ Horror/ Comedy Released Through: Viz Comics Plot: This graphic novel contains 4 separate stories; "Love Song", about a jealous girl who abuses her boyfriend; "Jewels of the Seaside", about 3 sisters who share a terrible secret; "The Signal Goes Blink, Blink", about a high school misfit with the power to heal; and "The Skin of Her Heart", about a factory girl who longs for a better life. High Points: Most of the stories are wonderful. They really capture human emotion using both drama and comedy. I really like the minimalist style of drawing Nishi uses, it allows the reader to focus more on the plot than the artwork. Low Points: I was disappointed with the final story in the book. It didn't fit in very well with the rest of the manga and wasn't very interesting. |
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***1/2 - Miyuki-chan In Wonderland by CLAMP Format: Anime OAV Genre: Just Plain Weird Released Through: ADV Films Plot: A slightly ecchi all-female "Alice In Wonderland". High Points: Beautiful artwork and complete silliness. I just had to give this anime three and a half stars. It didn't really fit the description of four stars, but I really enjoyed it anyway. I pretty much just blushed and giggled throughout Miyuki-chan. Low Points: Well, this anime doesn't really have any plot. However, I didn't really expect it to. Notes: Many people would say that this anime wasn't for girls and just an excuse to gain male viewers to CLAMP's works (and they could be right), but I don't agree. The girls in it were definitely drawn in a shojo style and didn't especially have big breasts or anything like that. There was no nudity either. I'd like to think that it was more a statement on what a hassle it can be to deal with men (*grin*) and how cool it might be to have an all-female world. So don't be afraid of this anime. It's funny and cute and a heterosexual female can enjoy it just as much as anyone else. Maybe even more! |